What Happened » Photos » Structural problems with enclosures
These photographs detail just a few of the extremely dangerous structural problems that volunteers work around every day. Many of the enclosures have large gaps where the cats can fit their heads or claws through, and still more are held together only by thin wire and hog rings.
Because they are finally being fed well, the cats become stronger with each passing day. With their growing strength comes increased boredom and restlessness, leading to more fighting between the groups of cats. These enclosures simply will not withstand the pressure of the constant fighting, and it is only a matter of time before the instabilities in the enclosures leads to disaster - injury or even death of the cats and the volunteers.
This enclosure houses 3 tigers.
Enclosure containing an African Lion. Before his den box was moved, he was able to stand on top of it and stick his entire head and shoulders out of the top of his enclosure.
Same enclosure - view from back.
Same enclosure - detail view.
This enclosure holds one Sumatran tiger.
This gate separates the tigers from the volunteers within the central lockup.
A fight breaks out in front of a loose gate in a 4 cat enclosure.
Fighting is constant between two 5 cat enclosures, with only a warped, flimsy wall of chain link to separate the cats. Not shown: the chain link that separates the two enclosures is not attached at the top, where there is a foot and a half gap.